Home of the Wildcats
As a PTO member, you can contribute in many ways to your student's education. Becoming a member does not obligate you to volunteer or attend any meetings. It is just a simple and quick way to financially support Whispering Oak.
upcoming events
March 11
PTO Meeting - 6-7p
March 12
Carnival Committee Planning Meeting - 7:30p (Virtual)
March 14
Teacher Workday - No School!
March 15
Orlando Solar Bears Spirit Night - 7p - Tickets
March 17-21
Spring Break - No School!
April 13
Last Day to Order Yearbooks - Code 232187M
April 15
Spirit Day @ Burger Fi - 11a-9:30p
April 15
PTO Meeting - 6-7p
April 25
Spring Carnival - 5-8p
2024-2025 Accomplishments
Decorated the school and helped make pledge posters to support Mrs. Sochocki's Red Ribbon Week efforts.
Supplied volunteers for the school's Scholastic Book Fair.
Hosted our annual Trunk or Treat.
Decorated the school for Rock Your School Week.
Raised $6,300 and donated 50% of the proceeds to local pediatric cancer hospitals as part of our Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser.
Hosted a Spirit Night at Uno Pizzeria & Grill.
Rewarded the winners of the PTO Membership Drive drawings with gift cards.
Rewarded the winning classes of the PTO Membership Drive with a Pelican's SnoBalls party.
Stocked the teacher's lounge with snacks and drinks each month, with the help of some of our business partners!
Hosted Boo Hoo / Yahoo Breakfast to welcome Kindergarten parentsÂ
Hosted Welcome Back Luncheon for teachers